Corporate Governance
Governance structure

BoD defines the Group's global strategies by developing actions for growth, launching new activities in various sectors and implementing plans for investment, control and assessment of results.

Chairman - Luigi Rossi Luciani
Executive Vice Chairman - Luigi Nalini
CEO - Francesco Nalini
Director - Carlotta Rossi Luciani
Independent Director - Cinzia Donalisio
Lead Independent Director - Mario Cesari
Independent Director - Gianluigi Vittorio Castelli
Independent Director - Marina Manna
Independent Director - Laura Rovizzi

Board of statutory auditors

The Board of Auditors supervises the compliance with the law and with the By-laws, the compliance with the principles of correct administration, as well as the efficacy of the internal control system and of the financial information management process.

Managing Director

Managing Director - Giandomenico Lombello


CFO - Nicola Biondo

Auditing firm

Deloitte & Touche S.p.A. is the audit firm engaged for the statutory audit, it is based in Milan, Via Tortona 25 and it is registered at n° 132587 of the Chartered Accountants’ Register (Registro dei Revisori Legali), according to article 2 of D.L. n. 39/2010.

Remuneration committee

President of the Committee - Cinzia Donalisio
Committee Member - Marina Manna
Committee Member - Mario Cesari

Control, Risk and Sustainability Committee

President of the Committee - Marina Manna
Committee Member - Mario Cesari
Committee Member - Cinzia Donalisio

Supervisory Body ex D.Lgs. 231/01

President of the Committee - Alberto Berardi
Internal member - Arianna Giglio
External member - Alessandro Grassetto

For the dissemination and storage of regulated information, CAREL Industries S.p.A. uses the eMarket SDIR dissemination system and the eMarket STORAGE mechanism available at the website managed by Teleborsa S.p.A., with registered office in P.zza Priscilla 4, Rome.


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